15th International Symposium on High-Current Electronics (15th SHCE), and the 9th International Conference on Modification of Materials with Particle Beams and Plasma Flows (9th CMM)

September 21-26, 2008
Tomsk, Russia

Manuscript Submission

The Conference proceedings (separate volume for each conference) will be published by the beginning of the meeting and available during the registration.

The manuscripts should be limited to 4 pages for contributed papers (oral or poster) and 6 pages for invited papers.

The manuscript should be prepared in MS Word format in accordance with the instruction given below and sent as an attached file to conferences-2008@hcei.tsc.ru. In the accompanying letter, please indicate Registration Number of your report. The Conference Organizing Committee will acknowledge receiving your manuscript via e-mail within three days.

The manuscript submission deadline is June 13, 2008.

All participants from Russian organizations must also provide the permission for open publication of the paper (in original). This permission must be received by the Organizing Committee no later than June 21, 2008.

Preparation Instructions.

To ensure conformity and uniformity of appearance, it is essential that these instructions are followed.

You may use MS Word template to prepare your manuscript (download paper-template.rtf).

Books (Authors, Title, Publisher City, Publisher Name, Year, Pages):

[1] A.L.Peratt, Physics of the Plasma Universe, New York, Springer-Verlag, 1992, pp.72-74.
[2] N.Leiman, The interaction of radiation with the solid and formation of elementary defects, Moscow, Atomizdat, 1979, pp.52-60.

Journals (Authors, Journal Title, Volume/Number, Page, Year):

[3] D.Mosher, N.Qi, and M.Krishnan, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 26, 1052 (1998).
[4] V.P.Afanasiev, Rus. J. Tech. Physics 62, 72 (1992).

Conference Proceedings, published (Authors, Proceedings Title, Year, Pages):

[5] E.Oks, A.Vizir, G.Yushkov, in Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on High Power Particle Beams, 1998, pp.955-958.

Paper Presented at Conference, unpublished (Authors, Paper Title, Conference Name, Conference City, Conference Country, Year):

[6] A.G.Oreshko, "The generation of fast particles in electrical discharges", presented at 13th Symposium on High Current Electronics, Tomsk Russia, 2004.

Patents (Author, Patent Number, Year):

[7] A.I.Ryabchikov, I.B.Stepanov, Patent RU 2097868 C1, 1998.